Thursday, December 17, 2009

family time

My husband is home and i freakin' LOOOOOVE it! i just cant get enough. I'm so happy to have him here. we are getting ready for our holiday trip to Nebraska. it is going to take a few days to get there and I'm really not looking forward to it. i hate snow and i have a feeling i am going to be seeing alot of it. i don't know how the baby is going to like being in her car seat for that long either. i know the big kids will be fine cause they have the DVD player to watch movies. that always keeps them busy.
my mom is going to fly in on Xmas day to stay at our house and to take care of the dog. i have no idea what we are going to do about him for the first week tho. i told Matt that he needs to ask one of his friends or get some boot to do it.
we were going to come home earlier than planned cause the huskers are going to be playing in the winter bowl here in San Diego on DEC 30th, but the tickets are like $250 and up. that's just way too freakin expensive for us right now. oh well.
i don't know what our plans are for news years yet either. i think we will be on the verge of leaving to road trip home or on the road already. it would be nice to go out with my husband and have a good night away from the kids, but i don't mind spending it with my beautiful family.
after the new year i have to remember to make dentist appts for all of us. i think we are about due.
i took the kids to the mall to see Santa and they sat on his lap and told him what they wanted, not Lola tho- i know its her first Xmas, but she was sleeping and I'll take it when i can get it.

we put up our Xmas lights last night and they look really good, but Matt and i both agree that we need 5 more strings. that's one nice thing about having a big house- you can go all out and not look overdone.
Lola is doing well. she rolled over a few weeks ago, she plays with toys. everything goes in her mouth, she even sucks her thumb. she talks (baby babble) A LOT! she doesn't really cry EVER. she just mumbles and jabbers. she is so stinkin' cute! she is getting more hair too. its fun to make it all stick up. it is still strawberry blonde and looks like it might have some curl to it. her eyes have also gone to a really pretty bright blue.
Matt and i have been going to the gym together lately. i love spending that extra time with him. I'm looking forward to a great family vacation!