Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Valentine's Day

It's almost Valentine's Day! it will be Lola's first. i took some pics of her today being as cute as she is and in a cute little red and pink outfit. Matt has been gone for work this week, but will be home this weekend and we get a date night. he also got me a new washer and dryer. the dryer comes on valentine's day, so its my gift. i love it. its funny, I'm digging for laundry every day so i can use it. haha

valentines kisses

the kids are out of school for the rest of the week and Monday too. i don't know if its because of V day or presidents day or what. i didn't even know until yesterday, cause they never give me the papers from the school if they aren't homework. so i guess that's good for me too cause i get to sleep in.
i got some awesome sleep last night. i put the kids in bed and then i went to bed and i didn't even realize it was only 9pm until i was turning out my light! amazing. i thought it was too good to be true but i guess not. i woke up at 5am and looked at the clock and i remember thinking, "holy crap! i still have 2 1/2 hours to sleep!"
the other day Matt and i payed off my car. i thought it would be a few more years. but since we got a big tax return we got completely out of debt. but when i called the bank and asked them to send me my title, they said they never got it in the first place. and the dealership that sold me my car went out of business. so i called the corporation and they told me that they didn't get any records and that i have to write a letter to the address of the dealership and when it gets forwarded to the owners they will hopefully know where all my info went. I'm sure there are a lot of other people that this happened to also. so I'm really hoping that it gets straightened out and i can get a freakin title!!