Saturday, July 3, 2010


This year is flying by! Lola is 10 months old, the kids are out of school for the summer and I'm 17 weeks pregnant!
the kids had a good school year and turned out some really good grades. so next year i will have one in 2nd grade and one in 3rd! it amazes me that they are already so big. I'm hoping they get really good teachers this coming year because that makes all the difference.
Lola is doing well and getting big too. she has been hitting some big milestones and i couldn't be more proud of her.
Matt has been deployed now for almost 2 months and it seems like the time is going by so easily and quickly, it will be December before i know it!
baby #4 is getting bigger by the day and is now about 5 inches from the top of its head to the bottom of its rump. I'm not feeling very pregnant, even tho i have the baby bump going on. i want to run on the treadmill and i don't feel the need to eat a lot of crazy foods.
nesting has become pretty intense tho. i am scrubbing walls and floors almost daily. and i have been baking a lot too. i will be going to my 20 week ultrasound on the 22nd of July to find out if its a boy or a girl. that should be extra exciting.
my mom is coming down for a visit today and she will be here for 10 days so we will be able to celebrate the 4th together. we are going to go to town and go to semper fi park. i hope the fireworks are good.
last night we went to seaworld with some friends and saw the fireworks there. but of course they weren't as good as the 4th of July show. but never the less it was a good time and the kids had fun.

while my mom is here we are going to go down to the Del Mar fair too. i wont be going on any rides and neither will Lola but its still fun for me with all the fair food to eat and all the cute things to buy. we should get some good pictures.