Wednesday, December 29, 2010

.:Figuring Out Life:.

Penny is 3 weeks old already! it feels like i just had her. she is still the smallest little peanut tho. newborn clothes are just starting to fit. its not like she was a little baby. she was 7.5lbs. she eats a lot tho, so I'm just waiting to see her plump up and get nice and fat. :)
its a lot different than when Lola was a baby. Lola never cried. she went right to sleep with out making a sound and she was hard to feed. feeding was the most stressful thing ever. getting her to gain weight was such hard work. penny on the other hand is a normal baby that cries when she is wet, cries when she is hungry, cries when she is tired.... she cries a lot. not that it bothers me. after 3 kids i think I've pretty much seen it all.
I'm trying to figure out how to juggle every day life. i think I'm getting close. some times i feel like i don't have enough hands or enough time, but i always seem to get it figured out. its nice that Matt has been home from deployment for 2 weeks now. he is a lot of help. it took a day or two to get used to having him here and for the kids (especially Lola) to accept that he is here to stay. she was a little stand offish with him for a bit, but that has mostly passed. there are still times that she would prefer me, and she cries when its daddy, but i think that will pass too. the kids adore their daddy so much. as do i. I'm so happy to have him home♥
my mom was here for 2 weeks when i had penny and Matt's mom is here for a week now. it good to see family around the holidays. especially when we have a new baby. they are a lot of help and that gives me free hands to clean the house and bake and do whatever i have been wanting to do but couldn't.
I've also been feeling a little bit home sick. maybe not Washington sick, cause i hear they are having a pretty cold winter and i HATE snow. but more like friends and family sick. i miss my people. Washington people make so much more sense to me. if i could bring them all down to California it would be a way nicer place. :)