Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Anyone know how to stop time?

We have about a month til Matt deploys again. Penny will be turning one also. Im really not ready to be on my own again. it feels like Matt just got home. He has had to work so much that I'm scrambling to get as much time with him as possible. which sometimes means I'm following him from room to room as he goes about his business.
we have the pre-deployment brief tonight. that is usually the first sign that time is going to start speeding up and before i know it he will be gone. he basically has the month of november off. which will be nice. it will be good to have that time together. we are hoping to have penny's first birthday before he leaves. he missed lola's first birthday because of his last deployment. we are also going to celebrate christmas early too. i don't know how that is all going to work out but we will manage.

We went to the bates nut farm pumpkin patch last weekend and the kids picked out their pumpkins. we learned that lola has a phobia of piles of pumpkins. it was funny and sad at the same time. she is such a silly little girl. we got them all carved up and put outside. the kids had fun and made a big mess of the pumpkin guts.
Brian made a zombie face but he went so quickly that it basically looks like a bunch of shapes.he put it outside backwards. Jillian made a panda that turned out well. she almost messed it up but i helped her fix it. i did lola's kitty and penny's butterfly and my sea turtle. Matt did a Husker pumpkin.... of course.