Tuesday, October 20, 2009

.:this week:.

parent teacher conferences are all this week. the kids get out early so my day is kinda shortened. I'm hoping that the meetings go well. I'm assuming that Jill's teacher will say that she is doing great and Brian's teacher will have some concerns. the kids have been working really hard on getting their homework done everyday but I'm not sure how much is sticking. i think we are going to have to spend a little more time reading with Jill and more time on handwriting with Brian. its amazing how good Brian is at reading and math. he reads so fast and can solve math problems so quickly it blows my mind every time. Jillian has the best handwriting i have ever seen from a little kid. she is so artistic.

Lola is 2 months old today. she is so stinking cute. she started cooing last week. i was walking in the hallway to the living room and she just said, "newwwww." in a perfect little talking voice. it shocked me so much, i had never heard her talking voice before. then a few seconds later she did it again! it is the sweetest sound ever. so then she started doing it more often and now she is starting to make different cooing sounds. i freaking LOVE it.

last night she was sleeping on her tummy in the living room on the couch and i was doing dishes, Matt left the living room for a sec to go upstairs for something and all of a sudden she screamed- i go running out and she was on the floor! apparently she had rolled all the way over and fell off the couch! thank goodness our couch is super low and the floor has soft carpet, so it pretty much just woke her up and scared her. she didn't even cry. but it sure scared the crap outta me! i didn't think we had to worry about her rolling over for a few more months... guess i was wrong.

There is only a month left before i will be going to Washington to visit. I'm so freaking excited. i cant wait to see my friends and family. i cant wait to wear a coat and smell the rain. i just wish my hubby could come with me. he cant cause he will be at Mojave viper from Nov 17 to DEC 17. I'm kinda stressed about the plane ride tho, the airport is going to be bananas with luggage, 2 kids, a baby and car seats blah blah blah... all by myself. STRESSFUL. plus i have no idea how the baby is going to do on the plane. not looking forward to that part.

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