Monday, November 30, 2009

Keeping Busy

Im trying to keep my self busy these days til my hubby gets back. i had alot of fun in WA last week. i partied my ASS OFF at my dads 60th. and then i was hungover for a couple days. then i got a cold. i also got a tattoo. i got Lola's footprints around my wrists like the other kids'. it was nice and cold there and i loved it. i had to drive a PT cruiser which was lame, but oh well. the kids got to see everyone and i loved to visit with the family. the time went by so quickly but i was glad to get back home. the kids all did really well on the plane too. on the way home we all just zonked out and slept the whole way... so nice.

i wasnt going to decorate the house this year for xmas cause we arent going to be here but then i started thinking that maybe i should.... so i did. then i got carried away. i ended up cleaning the garage since i was out there anyways and then i made my way thru the house and cleaned the back yard, dog poop and all. after mowing and raking i decide to start on the dog. so he got his nails clipped and a both. he is such a good boy.
i lost my voice 2 days ago and i can only whisper. so the kids are getting away with alot since i cant yell at them. but tonight they had a food fight with their pizza at dinner tonight and then started pulling each others hair! WTF? haha they got busted and went to bed early.... like 7pm (oh well it was dark out already.) i got their school pics today. they look so good. damn i have some good lookin babies.
Lola had another visit from the developmentalist today. it went great. she is developing like a normal baby would. when i put her on her belly she scoots around and turns in a circle. she even rolled over front to back and bakc to front with a little help. it was awesome. she is smiling alot more too. its so cute when i go into her room when i hear her wake up and she is just babbling in her crib she smiles when she sees me, like she is so happy to see me. it melts my heart.
matt got word that he might be getting home a little sooner than we thought. which of course i freakin LOVE. i HATE when he is gone. i makes me nuts.

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