Wednesday, December 29, 2010

.:Figuring Out Life:.

Penny is 3 weeks old already! it feels like i just had her. she is still the smallest little peanut tho. newborn clothes are just starting to fit. its not like she was a little baby. she was 7.5lbs. she eats a lot tho, so I'm just waiting to see her plump up and get nice and fat. :)
its a lot different than when Lola was a baby. Lola never cried. she went right to sleep with out making a sound and she was hard to feed. feeding was the most stressful thing ever. getting her to gain weight was such hard work. penny on the other hand is a normal baby that cries when she is wet, cries when she is hungry, cries when she is tired.... she cries a lot. not that it bothers me. after 3 kids i think I've pretty much seen it all.
I'm trying to figure out how to juggle every day life. i think I'm getting close. some times i feel like i don't have enough hands or enough time, but i always seem to get it figured out. its nice that Matt has been home from deployment for 2 weeks now. he is a lot of help. it took a day or two to get used to having him here and for the kids (especially Lola) to accept that he is here to stay. she was a little stand offish with him for a bit, but that has mostly passed. there are still times that she would prefer me, and she cries when its daddy, but i think that will pass too. the kids adore their daddy so much. as do i. I'm so happy to have him home♥
my mom was here for 2 weeks when i had penny and Matt's mom is here for a week now. it good to see family around the holidays. especially when we have a new baby. they are a lot of help and that gives me free hands to clean the house and bake and do whatever i have been wanting to do but couldn't.
I've also been feeling a little bit home sick. maybe not Washington sick, cause i hear they are having a pretty cold winter and i HATE snow. but more like friends and family sick. i miss my people. Washington people make so much more sense to me. if i could bring them all down to California it would be a way nicer place. :)

Saturday, July 3, 2010


This year is flying by! Lola is 10 months old, the kids are out of school for the summer and I'm 17 weeks pregnant!
the kids had a good school year and turned out some really good grades. so next year i will have one in 2nd grade and one in 3rd! it amazes me that they are already so big. I'm hoping they get really good teachers this coming year because that makes all the difference.
Lola is doing well and getting big too. she has been hitting some big milestones and i couldn't be more proud of her.
Matt has been deployed now for almost 2 months and it seems like the time is going by so easily and quickly, it will be December before i know it!
baby #4 is getting bigger by the day and is now about 5 inches from the top of its head to the bottom of its rump. I'm not feeling very pregnant, even tho i have the baby bump going on. i want to run on the treadmill and i don't feel the need to eat a lot of crazy foods.
nesting has become pretty intense tho. i am scrubbing walls and floors almost daily. and i have been baking a lot too. i will be going to my 20 week ultrasound on the 22nd of July to find out if its a boy or a girl. that should be extra exciting.
my mom is coming down for a visit today and she will be here for 10 days so we will be able to celebrate the 4th together. we are going to go to town and go to semper fi park. i hope the fireworks are good.
last night we went to seaworld with some friends and saw the fireworks there. but of course they weren't as good as the 4th of July show. but never the less it was a good time and the kids had fun.

while my mom is here we are going to go down to the Del Mar fair too. i wont be going on any rides and neither will Lola but its still fun for me with all the fair food to eat and all the cute things to buy. we should get some good pictures.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Valentine's Day

It's almost Valentine's Day! it will be Lola's first. i took some pics of her today being as cute as she is and in a cute little red and pink outfit. Matt has been gone for work this week, but will be home this weekend and we get a date night. he also got me a new washer and dryer. the dryer comes on valentine's day, so its my gift. i love it. its funny, I'm digging for laundry every day so i can use it. haha

valentines kisses

the kids are out of school for the rest of the week and Monday too. i don't know if its because of V day or presidents day or what. i didn't even know until yesterday, cause they never give me the papers from the school if they aren't homework. so i guess that's good for me too cause i get to sleep in.
i got some awesome sleep last night. i put the kids in bed and then i went to bed and i didn't even realize it was only 9pm until i was turning out my light! amazing. i thought it was too good to be true but i guess not. i woke up at 5am and looked at the clock and i remember thinking, "holy crap! i still have 2 1/2 hours to sleep!"
the other day Matt and i payed off my car. i thought it would be a few more years. but since we got a big tax return we got completely out of debt. but when i called the bank and asked them to send me my title, they said they never got it in the first place. and the dealership that sold me my car went out of business. so i called the corporation and they told me that they didn't get any records and that i have to write a letter to the address of the dealership and when it gets forwarded to the owners they will hopefully know where all my info went. I'm sure there are a lot of other people that this happened to also. so I'm really hoping that it gets straightened out and i can get a freakin title!!

Friday, January 15, 2010


i have been dieting and working out everyday and it sucks bad. i am so sore and so hungry. i know i sound like a whiny baby but its hard. you know how new years resolutions go. everyone wants to lose weight or eat right or get into shape. well, i think i can only use, "i just had a baby." for so long. i know it will get easier and i cant wait.
i was thinking about taking the baby in the jogging stroller and walking up to get the kids from school but i have no idea how long that will take and i wouldn't want to be late picking them up. so maybe one day i will just walk it when i don't have to be anywhere and time myself.
Matt and i have been going on nightly walks with the baby and the dog. they're so nice. i find myself looking forward to it all day. its getting a little colder in the evenings and its dark since we're going around 7pm. but it is nice cause we can walk down every road in our neighborhood and everyone is already inside for the night and there are no cars on the road so we can walk right down the middle. it is good alone time for us.
last night Lola fell asleep during our walk. usually she stays awake but last night she was so sleepy. i have been putting her in her crib while she is still awake at night to and just using the mobile that i got for her. it is AWESOME. she just watches the spinning animals and the light show. and listens to the music and falls asleep every night with out crying or fussing at all (knock on wood*)
she is getting bigger, smarter and prettier by the day. every time i look at my kids and my husband i feel so lucky.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

*Heaven's Very Special Child*

A meeting was held, quite far from earth
"It's time again for another birth"
Said the Angels to the Lord above,
"This special child will need much love"

Her progress may seem very slow,
Accomplishments she may not show
And she'll require extra care
From all the folks she meets down there.

She may not run or laugh or play
Her thoughts may seem quite far away
In many ways she won't adapt,
And she'll be known as handicapped.

So let's be careful where she's sent
We want her life to be content
Please, Lord, find the right parents who
Will do this special job for You.

They will not realize right away
The leading role they're asked to play
But with this child sent from above
Comes stronger faith and richer love.

And soon they'll know the privilege given
In caring for this gift from Heaven.
Their precious charge, so meek and mild
Is heaven's very special child.

By Edna Massimilla

Sunday, January 3, 2010

.:Its a New Year:.

Its finally 2010. wow. it came so quickly. our holiday was good. the driving across 5 states kinda sucked balls, but we did it. its always strange staying in someone elses town and some one elses house. i never quite feel like I'm in the right place. the kids had a good time and I'm sure that Matt was happy to see his family. but i was homesick the minute we left. it didn't help that i got super sick and then the kids got sick too. sick during the holidays and on vacation is lame.
we also drove across NE to visit more of Matt's family and they had a huge amount of snow. i hate snow.

i hate the cold too, but that wasn't too bad. it was fun to see other states tho, as we drove thru them. mostly just to say that i had been there. i took a lot of pics of the scenery. i realized that most places are the most beautiful right when the sun comes up. i have never been a morning person, but it is so pretty. i guess i have been missing out.

the kids go back to school tomorrow and Matt has already left for the field. so i will be able to get everything the rest of the way unpacked, the tree taken down and back on a schedule. that will be nice. we got a jogging stroller from the schools in garden county. so i will be able to go jogging with Lola and get back into shape. it will also be something fun that Matt and i can do together.
Lola is doing great. she has her check up coming in a day or two and will be getting her shots- that's always so sad. her hair is long enough to put into a pony tail on top and put bows in it too. she is so big that we have to put her in 6-9 month clothes and she is only 4 months old. she is a long baby!

I'm starting to rethink my plans for next summer. i was thinking about driving to WA and visiting with fam for the summer but now I'm thinking that i might just stay home and enjoy a relaxing summer here. even tho Matt will be gone, which always sucks so bad. I'm not sure yet tho, so i guess we will see.