Friday, January 15, 2010


i have been dieting and working out everyday and it sucks bad. i am so sore and so hungry. i know i sound like a whiny baby but its hard. you know how new years resolutions go. everyone wants to lose weight or eat right or get into shape. well, i think i can only use, "i just had a baby." for so long. i know it will get easier and i cant wait.
i was thinking about taking the baby in the jogging stroller and walking up to get the kids from school but i have no idea how long that will take and i wouldn't want to be late picking them up. so maybe one day i will just walk it when i don't have to be anywhere and time myself.
Matt and i have been going on nightly walks with the baby and the dog. they're so nice. i find myself looking forward to it all day. its getting a little colder in the evenings and its dark since we're going around 7pm. but it is nice cause we can walk down every road in our neighborhood and everyone is already inside for the night and there are no cars on the road so we can walk right down the middle. it is good alone time for us.
last night Lola fell asleep during our walk. usually she stays awake but last night she was so sleepy. i have been putting her in her crib while she is still awake at night to and just using the mobile that i got for her. it is AWESOME. she just watches the spinning animals and the light show. and listens to the music and falls asleep every night with out crying or fussing at all (knock on wood*)
she is getting bigger, smarter and prettier by the day. every time i look at my kids and my husband i feel so lucky.

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