Sunday, January 3, 2010

.:Its a New Year:.

Its finally 2010. wow. it came so quickly. our holiday was good. the driving across 5 states kinda sucked balls, but we did it. its always strange staying in someone elses town and some one elses house. i never quite feel like I'm in the right place. the kids had a good time and I'm sure that Matt was happy to see his family. but i was homesick the minute we left. it didn't help that i got super sick and then the kids got sick too. sick during the holidays and on vacation is lame.
we also drove across NE to visit more of Matt's family and they had a huge amount of snow. i hate snow.

i hate the cold too, but that wasn't too bad. it was fun to see other states tho, as we drove thru them. mostly just to say that i had been there. i took a lot of pics of the scenery. i realized that most places are the most beautiful right when the sun comes up. i have never been a morning person, but it is so pretty. i guess i have been missing out.

the kids go back to school tomorrow and Matt has already left for the field. so i will be able to get everything the rest of the way unpacked, the tree taken down and back on a schedule. that will be nice. we got a jogging stroller from the schools in garden county. so i will be able to go jogging with Lola and get back into shape. it will also be something fun that Matt and i can do together.
Lola is doing great. she has her check up coming in a day or two and will be getting her shots- that's always so sad. her hair is long enough to put into a pony tail on top and put bows in it too. she is so big that we have to put her in 6-9 month clothes and she is only 4 months old. she is a long baby!

I'm starting to rethink my plans for next summer. i was thinking about driving to WA and visiting with fam for the summer but now I'm thinking that i might just stay home and enjoy a relaxing summer here. even tho Matt will be gone, which always sucks so bad. I'm not sure yet tho, so i guess we will see.

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