Thursday, September 18, 2008

.:16 days:.

O M G.

yeah. 16 days! so now instead of daydreaming about what im gonna wear to pick him up and what the first second will be like, im freaking out! haha yeah, yesterday i shampooed all the carpets in the house, deodoraized all of them too- my house has the lovely smell of gardenias now. yum. the kids and i cleaned heir rooms and organized everything upstairs, cleaned the bathrooms. i washed all the walls- i never knew that kids could be so freakin messy! right at their hand level there was a ring around my house. gross. so anyways, im in the cleaning mode, just wanting this to be the best home coming ever for him. he has been on the new base for over a month now, and besides being put in the building with the kennels that they keep the military dogs in, they dont have water. this means that they cant shower or wash their clothes. he is pretty miserable, dirty and stinky, im sure. even more reason to make sure the house is fabulously clean and smelling sweet.
i know that he has been talking about all the places that we are going to go out to eat when he gets home, and im sure we will make that trip to olive garden and the pizza port. but it will be nice to have some one to cook for again. ive been slacking so much on that, since the kids dont eat much and i havent been lately either. i dont know, tho. since he has been working out for at least 3 hours every day he might be trying to stay in shape (yum) and might not be in the mood for alot of home cooked meals. we'll see.
the kids are doing well in school. jillian is still so excited and every day asks how many minutes till she can go to school. her teacher said that she is a star student and she knows it. brian is also doing well. now that he isnt in mrs felners class (she is so nasty) he has improved on every subject. mrs jones is a great teacher and she spends all the extra time with brian that he needs. his sst meeting is on halloween- that should be interesting.
the kids are already starting to talk about what they want to be for halloween. brian i think has settled on being a pirate and jillian... i dont know something sparkly and girly, im sure. halloween is so much fun here in california. it was probably the best time that ive had since we have lived here. its like in the movies, with a million kids all over the neighborhood, all dressed up. i love it.
the reception is coming along well. i just got the last plates/ knives/ cups etc. that i think we will need. it looks like there will be well over 300 people there. yikes. it should be fun for matt to be able to see all of his buddies that are out of the MC and all of his friends from back home. and of course his family. it has been over a year. we will be in nebraska for almost 2 weeks. aparently in nebraska they stop serving alcohol at 1am- so they have last call at quarter til- thats kinda lame. but we are gonna have redneck beer in kegs, so we will be able to continue partying. i hope to have fun- im sure i will, but i also know that i will be responsible for every one else there, and i really dont want to babysit people. that would piss me off. oh well, we'll see!

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