Monday, September 1, 2008

busy busy busy

im feeling a bit frantic, not in the 'climb the walls' sense, but more like i have so much to do and i have no idea when i will have the time. brians birthday is coming up and i havent even begun to put things together. today a friend asked me what time i was having the party and i dont even know that. (its 6 days away) on top of that both of my cars crapped out. which by itself is enough to make me frantic. stupid cars. of course they decide to go end up as soon as we buy a new car but dont have it yet.
my mom is in town.. well not my town but close enough. which is nice to get to visit and vent about my nonsense to her. we always have so much fun together. i can be my self around her just as if she were one of my girlfriends.
there are only 33 days until my husband finally gets home from iraq.... then i can vent to him and leave the car troubles on his shoulders instead of mine. this 'single-mom' mentality has got to stop. its my turn to share the crap with someone else. haha i will be glad when he is here to fill all my empty moments. i will be glad to see his face and hear his voice. life is so lonely with out him.
hopefully there will be babies coming soon, and by that i mean MINE, not some one elses. another 5 years on this base, im going to need some thing to keep myself busy while he is working and brian and jill are in school.
when matt gets home we have a trip planned. we are going to nebraska to finally have our wedding reception. it seems a little late for me, since we have been married for over a year. and that adds to my stress of having to plan it all and arrange everything down to the last detail and also pay for it. but it is a chance to see relatives and let them meet the kids.. and oh yeah! to party my ass off with my hubby. hopefully while we are there we will get tickets to go watch the huskers play. that will be goodtimes!
hopefully this week falls together and things go my way, kids to school (on time), truck gets fixed, i get a chance to shop for birthdays and receptions, and i get the party planned... and squeeze in another visit from my little mamma.

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