Sunday, September 14, 2008

less than 3 weeks till my husband is home. today he called me and i was so excited i almost peed my pants. ha ha. its been a while since we have talked and that made it even that much better. so he tells me today that the guys that are coming to replace them are coming early. this means that he will be on a flight back to the states on the 26th of September! he might be home early!! omg. that is the best news i could possibly get.
i keep having these dreams where i am in my room, or on the back porch and then he just shows up out of no where and surprises me. it would be cool if that actually happened. so today while talking he asked me if i was going to scream, or cry or whatever when i see him for the first time in 7 months. i told him i have no idea. i will prob be speechless and then as soon as i kiss him i will prob cry. it has taken so long to get to this point. it feels like forever. i am looking forward to all the things that we are going to do together. and all the memories that we are going to make.
i think that the last week before he gets home i will do a floor to ceiling deep clean, shampoo the carpets and everything. i want him to be so so so happy to be home- he said he doesn't care what the house looks like- as long as I'm there. he is so sweet.
god i love him. two more weekends then he will be here on the third. I'm gonna freak out.

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