Wednesday, November 9, 2011

.:Cutesy Pocket Warmers:.

Its that time of year again. Everyone I know is starting to brag about how they have finished their Christmas shopping. I haven't bought a single thing. As a mother of 4 this could turn out to be a bad thing for me. If I disappoint Im grossly outnumbered.
I decided that since I'm oh so crafty and I also don't want to break the bank, I am making Christmas gifts. My first project is going to be pocket hand warmers. They can also be put in boots and slippers if you don't mind walking on a lump. So I went to Michael's and stocked up on every color of felt that they had. I left the store quickly so I wouldn't just randomly spend $400 on crafty things that will surely keep me busy for the next couple months. Today I spent a whopping $6.40 ($4.15 on felt and $2.25 on a new pack of embroidery needles)
Here's how to make these ridiculously cheap and easy pocket hand warmers:

I made a basic heart template out of card stock and traced 4 of them onto pink felt. You could also use cashmere or wool, but once again Im trying to be frugal. I guess you could also do more than one color two but I didn't think about that til after I started. Put 2 of them together and blanket stitch all the way around with embroidery string leaving about 3/4 inch open. I filled the warmer with rice since thats what I had on hand. You could also fill with some lavender or cloves etc. Don't fill it too full because you want the warmer to form to your little cold hand. Finish stitching the rest of the way and tie a knot. then take your needle through the middle and out the other side so that when you cut the string the end of it is inside the warmer and not left out dangling.

Then just pop these little cuties into the microwave for 30 seconds and slip them into the pockets of whoever holds your heart.


Candice said...

Love these! Great idea!

Andrea said...

Totally pinning this one and of course going to share this crafty awesome idea to friends :)Thank you for sharing!