Sunday, November 13, 2011

Felting Fun

If you read my previous post you would know that I just purchased a bunch of felt from my local craft store for making cute little hand warmers. Last night my daughter found an old stuffed bunny that had a hole in it and she came to me and asks if we could pull all the fluff out and make something new with it. I asked her what she wanted and she said, "A panda."
I googled panda templates and found a blog with some good pics of a felt panda and the choice was made.

I didn't have black felt for some reason it must have slipped my mind while gathering all the wonderful rainbow colors. My daughter told me that pandas also come in red. Which works great since her favorite colors are black, white and red. Here are the directions to a quick evening project.

First I made templates on paper of ears, arms/legs, a body, and eyes. Then I cut 4 ears, 8 legs/arms, 2 bodies, 2 eyes and 2 small circles for the inner eye part.

Next I stitched the eyes on using black embroidery thread and I stitched on a nose and mouth.

Then I stitched around all the arms, legs, and ears.

Next I sandwiched the arms, legs, and ears between the body pieces and pinned them in place. I stitched around the body attaching it all together leaving it open between one of the arms and legs so you have room to cram in all the fluff-n-stuff. I thought about filling it will beans or rice or some thing that would give it some weight, but by this time it was late and I just wanted to go to bed.

Finally I stitched the hole closed and gave him a couple of good hugs to be sure the fluff was well dispersed.

Voila! Panda!

In the morning when I gave him to Jillian she was so happy with it. The first thing she said was,"Why did you make him sad?" I told her that if you think he is sad you will always give him more love <3

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