Wednesday, November 2, 2011

*Family Fun*

After spending the whole day Saturday baking, making goodies and decorating, I was piping frosting onto my mini cupcakes until the first guests arrived for our Halloween party. These were basically the cutest little cuppycakes I had ever made.
Other than 2 different cupcakes I made peanut brittle, reeses, caramel apples, chex mix and kool-aid in dry ice (for cool foggy effect) Everyone was dressed up in their costumes and we had a good time with friends playing corn hole until it was too cold outside and we had to turn in.
Halloween is always a treat here in southern California. You never have to plan your costume with a matching coat or umbrella. Every year we get dressed up and meet up with our friends from around the neighborhood and take our kids around. its like in the movies. I say that every year, but it still blows me away. There are so many kids and so many great costumes.
Jillian: Gypsy, Penny: Pumpkin Princess, Me: School Girl, Matt: Mobster, Lola: Bumblebee, Brian: Phantom


Antoinette Musik said...

Those cupcakes look so yummy!! am really enjoying reading through your lovely blog.

Echo Starr said...

they were really yummy but the small ones need less cooking time they were a little dry... :(